Board of Directors

President Ed Brimer
Vice-President Helen Rodriguez
Secretary David Gaer
Treasurer Open
Board Member Dorothy “Dot” Low
Board Member Andrea Cammon

Duties of Board Members

The Board of Directors is comprised of individuals duly elected and/or appointed to administer the operation and maintenance of Waterman Crossing Condominium Association. The duties of the Board include:

  • Administer and enforce the association covenants
  • Keep the property in good order
  • Obtain and maintain insurance
  • Protect and defend from loss or damage by suit or otherwise
  • To borrow funds and maintain bank accounts
  • To enter into contracts
  • To designate personnel necessary for maintenance and operation
  • To keep and maintain financial records
  • In general, to carry on the administration and to do all things necessary and reasonable.

The Board is available to assist with requests outside of the normal scope of duties to the extent of offering advice.
It is equally important to note what the Board does not have the authority to do; such as

  • Retract or create new By-Laws
  • Take responsibility for issues between homeowners and third parties
  • Maintenance and/or repair of privately owned property

NOTE: The above is intended as a brief summary of the duties and responsibilities of the Board of Directors. In the event of any discrepancies, the official documents (Declarations, By-Laws, etc.) shall take precedence over this summary.